Every human being- from Adam and Eve right up to you- has emotions and feelings. God planned it that way; it makes our lives interesting. But sometimes those emotions and feelings can feel overwhelming, and that can make our lives challenging. God's waiting to hear from you to help you with those feelings, and guess what He will never be bothered or bored or too busy to listen. So, how are you feeling right this minute? Whether you are happy, sad, or angry - God is waiting for you to talk to him.
It's summer. It's a great time to go out in your neighborhood and volunteer. Visit your local food bank, homeless shelter, or animal shelter and help the staff out. Bake some cookies and bring them to the closest nursing home the staff or the residents will love it, and while you are there read one of the resident a book, its a great way to let them know that they are special. Take a child from church to the park or bring them an ice cream cone. Just get out and do something that will benefit someone other than yourself. It will be appreciated. It's also a great way to let someone know that God loves them. Ever run across someone who acts like they know everything? Some people are pretty smart and have impressive memory banks, but if they act like know-it-alls, they annoy everyone around them. They're "puffed up", to use Paul's words. And the more puffed up they get, the less everyone else wants to be around them. Love has the opposite effect. It's a powerful force that builds others up. It transforms lives. God has no patience for arrogant knowledge. In fact, before you can really get to know God, you have to first start by loving him.
If someone came up with a one-word description of you, what do you think they would say? What would you want them to say? That you're...clever? Cool? Kind? Honest? You can build a reputation by consistent behavior. When the people of Israel gave money for the temple to be repaired, the supervisors of the workers weren't even required to show their receipts for all their supplies. Why? Because they were known for their honesty. They showed it in all that they did. Do you?
When an enemy falls, do you secretly celebrate? No matter what they did, God wants you to show them love and mercy- especially when they struggle, so don't gloat.
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